Modification of the Countries, styling and functionality fixes

Demo for Developers > Uncategorized > Modification of the Countries, styling and functionality fixes

This was done from FIVERR Seller: Ahmed Shahid, aka Salman Khan,

  • On the country flag issue I’ve seen the dynamic path is having issue. That’s why I get the dynamic link through the previous page continent and make the flag link dynamic.
  • On the search bar I’ve resolve this issue through CSS styling.
  • I’ve used JavaScript and PHP to make this link Click To Upload Your Video On clicking it I’ve opened the default WordPress video uploader and the video can be seen on the media library.
  • On the Country location I’ve check from which country the user comes in then I hit the API to get that country cities. Then I manipulate those cities to display in the dropdown of the form. Then on submission I’ve checked if that city is existed on the job location then tie that city with it. Otherwise I’ve created that city in the job location and then tie it with the JOB.Modification on post_new.php


Here is the top quality links of these images:

3 thoughts on “Modification of the Countries, styling and functionality fixes

  1. anondev says:

    Hey developer,
    Could you please attach code that you have added or removed and also write comments indicating why you did so. And also I have seen that you have made some changes in the post_new.php file, please mention about it as well.

  2. anondev says:

    The images that you have uploaded over here are not visible even under the microscope. So try to upload higher resolution images.

  3. The server at 7MJ says you have not uploaded anything into your child theme. Show us country-details.php with annotations clearly showing your modifications.

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